The protagonist of Nehera’s fall menswear collection is Flâneur, a laid-back stroller exploring the city and drinking in its sight. CEO Ladislav Zdút suggested that the ready-to-wear collection was built around the characteristics of Flâneuse, but given her state of wandering the world, it cannot be aimless. “””””””””””””””””” [doesn’t apply now]. We feel people are forced to linger…because our usual certainty is not deeply rooted. “Zdút refers to the current political situation. (It’s less than a day’s drive from Bratislava where Nehera is.) “We’re really shaken,” he added.
The collection comes with Flâneuse for her trips, focusing on outdoors and coats. Burgundy’s faux leather channel is incredibly lightweight and has a “city” button-style jacket with a turtle neck that is snugly with a tall pleated skirt. Artificial alpacas are used in a young jacket with increasing coverage. It is one of many soft textured materials used in the collection, as well as Chenille knits and velvets. The tailor is the fortress of the house played this season, but makes full use of the double-sided alpaca wool jacket with folding pocket details. The eye-catching pencil skirt has similar crease details.
Playing on the wall of the showroom that shows the collection is a short collection movie in the form (and ultimately) love story. Something similar happened to the clothes. Men’s sharp, double-collar wool twill coat appears in the ready-to-wear. Similarly, a charming animal-patterned sweater (representing the Slovak species) was brought to women. The idea seems to be, just like collections can be mixed together, so do people. “We concluded that the only tangible value is family, friends, love, and we want to express this through this collection,” Zdút said.